A cocktail a day keeps the doctor away... (We'd prefer if you didn't quote us on that one.)
You could sit there and netflix binge Orange Is The New Black all weekend or you could go grab a drink. While both sound pretty damn appealing, this weekend we're thinking cocktails. Lots of them. But not just any old cocktails!
👮 Put your hands up slowly, and step away from the vodka raspberry. (Baaaasic.)
We've scouted out some of the craziest, most creative cocktails in Sydney.
Each is at a Liven venue, so you'll grab Liven Cash at each. For infinite cocktails.
With the... Kraken's Prey
Everyone needs to try a squid ink cocktail at some point in their life, even if it's just for the sake of being able to say "yes, I've tried a squid ink cocktail."
Kraken black spiced rum with liqor43, lemon, gomme syrup, chocolate bitters and a light brush of squid ink inside of the glass.
And to answer ALL of your questions...
Yes, we're serious, and no, it doesn't taste like fish juice. 🙄
BLACKBIRD CAFE (Darling Harbour)
With the... Fairy Floss Cosmo

If there's not any fairy floss involved, we are probably 50% less interested than we should be. So it's a given that we're ALL about Blackbird's Fairy Floss Cosmo.
They take the already iconic Cosmopolitan (Sex and The City vibes, anyone?) and put Fairy Floss on it - making it significantly more appealing.
It's also, much prettier. Carrie would totally approve.
We should also mention, if you're not wild on cosmos they happen to have over SEVENTY other cocktails for you to pick from (?!)
With the... Zombie
Your favourite tiki cocktail the Zombie, but hotter.
Literally. It's on actual FIRE. Be careful.
Served up in true tiki style, you're going to love this one.
If you ain't about that 🔥🔥🔥 lyf they've got daquiris, caipirinhas, classic cocktails and mojitos. Those ones aren't on fire.
Enjoy them all while taking in Havana's next level beach views that somehow make it atleast 50% easier to sink a drink. You'll be #havanagoodtime for sure.
We can already feel the hangover.
MEAT DISTRICT CO (Darling Harbour)
With the... Pina Colada
If you like Pina Coladas (and getting caught in the rain?) you've got to try Meat District's take on one.
Sweet coconut cream, pineapple & lime juice shaken with 5 year old Havana Especial rum. Put all that in a tall glass over ice with some garnishes, and if you didn't like getting caught in the rain, we're pretty sure you will now...😏
Coordinate your visit with their 3-6 Happy Hour, and you're a winner every time.
With the... Bubble Gum Cocktail and Popcorn Pina Colada
You're really pulling on those childhood heartstrings here, OhBar.
How in THE WORLD are we supposed to say no to a Bubblegum cocktail?! How?!
White rum, cointreau, bubble gum and lime - topped with a lil red frog.
We should also mention their POPCORN PINA COLADA (😯) with vodka, popcorn, coconut puree, pineapple juice and lime.
Try them ALL. For us.